SUNRAYS Real Estate provides professional services that enable landlords to realize the highest value for their Homes, office or retail Real Estate.
Whether you are letting a single property, or own a large investment portfolio, Residential or Commercial properties, SUNRAYS Real Estate Property Management team understand the value of a well-managed property. It can lead to longer tenancies and in turn help maximise your return on investment. Your dedicated Property Manager will be on-hand to offer individual support to deliver the best possible property asset management for you and your tenants.
One: ‘Let Only’
We will market the property, introduce tenants, carry out references and credit checks, prepare schedule of conditions and prepare the tenancy agreement. We will also ensure mandatory items such as gas safety certificates and energy performance certificates are in place. Once we have moved a tenant into the property we will pass all relevant paperwork over to the landlord who will take over all dealings with the property.
Two: ‘Fully Managed’
The service is exactly the same as ‘Let Only’ but once the tenant has moved in we will then continue to manage the property on an ongoing basis. We will collect the rent, arrange for property inspections, deal with any maintenance or repair issues, renew agreements and service noticed where applicable. We have access to all trades and contractors, although there is no obligation to use these if a landlord has a preferred tradesman. We manage a comprehensive register of all property types and have a wealth of experience in this field.